Thursday, February 5, 2009

Xoçai™ - The World's Most Powerful Antioxidant Super Food!

Antioxidants are powerful healing molecules that prevent the damaging and aging effects of free radicals in your body.

The damage caused by free radicals is called oxidation. Some common examples of oxidation are bananas turning brown on your counter top, or rusting metal. When oxidation occurs in your body, it’s called “The painful effects of aging!” Antioxidant levels in food are measured by its capacity to destroy free radicals. ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values, as determined by Brunswick Laboratories for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, measure the capacity of a food to absorb and destroy free radicals. This chart shows the ORAC values of several high-antioxidant foods.
Many people don’t realize that unprocessed Cacao is the highest source of antioxidants in the world! Xoçai™ products are produced with pure unprocessed cacao that is blanched, unfermented, sun-dried, non-roasted, non-alkalized, non-lecithinized, and coldpressed. Because these processes are closely monitored, Xoçai™ delivers the maximum amount of antioxidants naturally found in unprocessed cacao.
Plus, when mixed with the clinically-proven-to-boost-your-health Acai berry, Xoçai™ chocolate products are the perfect delivery system for the antioxidants your body needs, while eliminating nearly ALL the fat and sugar typically found in other chocolate products.
Click here for more information on Healthy Chocolate.

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