Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Chocolate Craze

HUGE "CHOCOHOLIC" MARKETPLACE - 9 out of 10 people crave chocolate & 50% can't live without it!

HIGHLY CONSUMABLE PRODUCT - The average person consumes over 12 lbs of chocolate per year!

CHOCOLATE IS A $75 BILLION-DOLLAR WORLDWIDE INDUSTRY! - MXI has the worldwide exclusive marketing rights to replace the "bad" chocolate with the alternative that is both absolutely nutritious & decadently delicious!

THE HOTTEST TREND IN HEALTH IS "ANTIOXIDANTS"! - HEALTHY CHOCOLATE is the #1 highest rated antioxidant food on the planet!

HEALTHY CHOCOLATE IS NOT AVAILABLE IN STORES! - Wal-Mart offered $30M for this product line & it was turned down so that it could be distributed through Referral Marketing giving ambitious people like YOU & ME the avenue to capitalize on being in the right place at the right time!

This company will grow quickly to become a Billion+ dollar company and create many "passive-income" millionaires in the process! Will you be one of them?

Xocai Success Online

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