Saturday, January 24, 2009

Relationship Marketing Booms in Difficult Economic Times!

"Your only defense in a lagging economy is your
own ability to generate income." Warren Buffet

Sometimes we become comfortable in a 9 to 5 world. We go to
work 5 days a week, bring home a paycheck and life seems good.
But when tough times hit, we become acutely aware of our own
economic vulnerability. We realize that someone else is ultimately
in charge of our future. We are affected by layoffs, downsizing,
pay cuts and the market in general . . . and it doesn't feel good. . .
at all.

What if you could truly take control of your own life and future? Here is the great news:

With our product and opportunity, WE HAVE AN INCOME GENERATING MACHINE!
Yeah, but what about the current economic downturn? Doesn't that make it hard?

NO! Here are some facts that you need to know:

During the last recession (2001) traditional retail sales declined 8%.
At the same time, sales from network marketing ROSE at TWICE THE RATE of the previous year.
People are looking for a way to change their lives. We have it.

Join us!

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